If you do not trust this host, press Return to abandon the If you want to carry on connecting just once, without If you trust this host, enter "y" to add the key to Have no guarantee that the server is the computer you The server's host key is not cached in the registry. When you first run plink from the Windows command line to a new host, a message similar to the following appears: On compatible UNIX/Linux systems, this command causes the remote machine at address to immediately reboot. Plink -ssh -l root -pw "password" host-name command This is especially helpful with automating NetApp operations and triggering additional scripts on UNIX and Linux hosts. "plink.exe" can be used in a Windows batch script to automate running remote scripts through SSH. Use of third party executables is at your own risk. At the time of this writing, PuTTY is available at: Catalogic Software does not provide technical support for third party executables. PuTTY is a freely available third party SSH client for Windows platforms.
#How to use putty ssh on windows how to
It specifically covers how to enable required host keys for use with the DPX script engine. This is not meant to be a comprehensive review of "plink" use.

This article covers how to use the Windows command "plink", which is included in the PuTTY suite of utilities.

"plink" has some specific initialization requirements on Windows machines to make it usable from the DPX script interface. PuTTY's plink" command can be used to automate SSH actions on Windows. On UNIX and Linux machines, setup of SSH is almost trivial however, on Windows it is more challenging. SSH is a secure and convenient method for automating scripts on remote servers.